work with me

Are you struggling despite doing all the "right" things?


If you’ve tried the popular diets and still feel run-down, bloated, and brain-fogged, I can help you! Stress is everywhere—in limiting diets, parenthood, blood sugar disregulation, poor sleep, inflammation, whatever you do for work, your morning commute, poorly timed cups-of-joe, and even hidden chemicals and additives in processed foods, cleaners, and body care products.
Overwhelming? Take a breath. Rebalancing your body in our stressful world doesn’t have to be hard.
Let me show you how to slow down, nourish yourself, and reignite the energy and balance you've been seeking.
(spoiler: there are carbs involved)
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You may be wondering, "how?"

What you can expect around here:

Reduce stress.
Boost energy.
Slow down.

Let them eat carbs!

Carbohydrates calm the stress response, fuel your liver, help the thyroid gland, and preserve lean muscle that stress can devour. But there's a right way to balance blood sugar and provide cells with usable energy. It's not a free-for-all.

Do you miss milk (from a cow)? How about fruit? Honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar? Potatoes? Marshmallows? (Homemade, of course) I can help you learn how to eat these delicious, nutrient dense carbohydrates in a way that reduces stress in the body and boosts balanced energy!

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Mauri, a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner (NTP). I offer ways to restore your metabolism so you can reduce stress, maintain consistent energy, and find ways to slow down in a fast-paced world.


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